Monday, November 26, 2007

19 days!

so the countdown continues to went i leave for home!! i'm really excited. I love it here but i'm ready to relax and hangout at home. These last few weeks have been filled with homwork and tests like usual.

Thanksgiving break was a lot of fun. i went to sarah's house. We had amazing food made by her mom and thanksgiving meal made by her aunt. her cousin thought that i was a clone of sarah. it was pretty funny. we did a lot of shopping and got a few good things on sale. i met a couple of her friends and we hung out which was fun. we did a lot of homework which kind of sucked but at the same time, it was good to get it done so we weren't stressed later.

I'm glad to be back and i missed all the girls on my floor. we had a "homework" party in the coffee kitchen last night. we were so hyper and we listened to christmas music. I'm going to the Matt Wertz concert tomorrow! i'm really excited because he is soooo amazing. I also have to study for my anatomy lab final! i'm freaking out!! but that's okay. I have to go to class. Have a great week!


Jillian said...

I was thinking about surprising you at the airport... but it feels like I'd be cutting in on family time.
But I will see you soon!!

Sarah said...

i don't think it would... you could ask them... you are pretty much part of my family anyways :)